I agreed, sort of without realizing that I had, to foster a cat for one of Ant's coworkers' friend. I must say I was really nervous and hesitant at the beginning about introducing Gato to Ephraim since the last time we tried to introduce two cats there was some serious blood shed and hair tufts a flying. Well the first week was indeed rough because Gato did the opposite of what I though he would do. He was so taken by Ephy that all he wanted to do was play with him and groom him. It was Ephy who was so skiddish and standoffish. He refused to come down from my desk and even peed some of the things I had been working on for Emma's party.
Well after some weeks of coaxing and patience, eventually Ephy came off the desk and something magical happened to Gato. I know I have mentioned how we were on the fence about keeping Gato because he was slightly psychotic and would bite my calves non stop. He even attacked Emma two times as a weird reaction to the vacuum. I realized shortly after Ephy was with us that Gato was just lonely. He just wanted a companion, a partner and ever since Ephy came into our home, Gato has become a reformed cat. He now rubs my calves when he wants something and is super loving, he even purrs and they are just a sight those two. They cuddle, the fight, the groom each other. I really cant picture now what it would be like without Ephy in our lives.
Myself, I have fallen madly in love with him. I never thought it would be possible to find a cat so similar to my beloved girl Pavlov. He follows me every where, he snuggles with me and scratches at the covers so he can get inside. He even licks my face. He has now stayed with us two extra months. I am in limbo as to if he is staying or not. I agreed to watch him for 3 months, it has now been 5 going on 6 and he is such a part of our clan that I fear I might put up a fight for him. I know I have no right but a life without him doesn't seem like much of an option, Gato loves him, I love him , Emma loves him, even the nanny loves him. So fingers crossed we are allowed to just fully adopt him. nothing would make me happier.
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