Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An extra book pick-The Heart and the Bottle

I love how well Penguin Publishing summarized The Heart and the Bottle by Oliver Jeffers that I'd like to share it below. This book is a sort of a pick, but really it is a book that has been looming over my head since my father passed. I have known of this book since it came out a few years back, and I have mentioned it before as possibly not being quiet a children's book. I now see it at a great children's book to help both parent and child understand the loss of a loved one. Oliver Jeffers is perhaps in my top 3 all time favorite children's book authors and illustrators. If you get a chance to ever peruse this book, don't pass it up.

"There is a wonder and magic to childhood. We don’t realize it at the time, of course . . . yet the adults in our lives do. They encourage us to see things in the stars, to find joy in colors and laughter as we play.

But what happens when that special someone who encourages such wonder and magic is no longer around? We can hide, we can place our heart in a bottle and grow up . . . or we can find another special someone who understands the magic. And we can encourage them to see things in the stars, find joy among colors and laughter as they play.

Oliver Jeffers delivers a remarkable book, a tale of poignancy and resonance reminiscent of The Giving Tree that will speak to the hearts of children and parents alike."

you can check out a video on his process here. He's kinda cute!

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